Silver Laced Polish Chicken: Breed Information

The silver laced Polish chicken is an attractive and artistic breed from Poland showcases complex feathers on its head. Known for their medium size silver Laced Polish chicken captivate many. Beyond their aesthetic appeal people appreciate their friendly nature making them ideal companions for chickens enthusiasts. They contribute to backyard communities by producing consistent yield of small to medium sized white eggs. A silver laced chicken is beautiful while breed is famous for more than just its looks. At exhibitions and poultry shows these chickens are often shown off, and their unique traits and historical importance are also highlighted.

History of Silver Laced Polish Chicken

The history of the Silver Polish chicken starts in Poland. Where this unique and pretty breed first became popular. The breed comes from a European country, where its striking looks made it famous.

The chicken was created through selective breeding in Poland. Especially he crest of feathers on their heads is what makes them unique. This crest, which looks like a royal crown, makes the breed unique and adds to its beauty.

Over time, the breed’s appeal grew beyond Poland, capturing the attention of chicken lovers worldwide. Silver chicken is in high demand for both backyard flocks and shows. Because of its black feathers have a striking silver lace design.

As the breed became more well known, however, it became a sign of beauty. This is a testament to the skill and artistry of Polish chicken producers. The chicken is an essential breed in the history of chicken breeding it is an excellent example of how form and function work together. People like silver chicken because of its unique traits and historical importance. Moreover It’s a beloved and well known member of the wide world of poultry breeds.

Physical Characteristics of Silver Laced Polish Chicken:


  1. The chicken feathers are either silver or white and the black lacing makes them stand out.
  2.  The chicken pattern has a striking look that looks like laced.
  3. Each silver polish chicken feather is silver or white in the middle and black around the edges.

 Size and Weight

The Polish chicken is very small in size.

  • Roosters usually weigh about 8.5 to 9.5 pounds(3.5 to 4.3 Kg).
  • The hens weigh approximately 6.5 to 7.5 pounds (2.9 to 3.4 kg).

Also, there are miniature types. Depending on the sex, they can weigh up to 1.8 pounds.

Egg Production of Silver Laced Polish Chicken

  • The Chickens lay three to four eggs a week, or around 150 to 200 eggs annually.
  • The exact number of eggs they lay will vary depending on the breed of chicken you buy.
  • After 20 weeks, they should start laying eggs at any time. The eggs will be white.
Silver Laced Polish Chicken Eggs

Egg Production of Silver Laced Polish Chicken

Eggs per Week 2-4  Eggs


A fully grown silver chicken eats food that has 16% protein during laying eggs. They will only need this changed when they molt. They can eat 20% protein until most of their feathers grow back. You can feed them whenever you want or at set times.

Noise Levels

In general, this breed is quiet. The hens lay eggs and the rooster crows. Aside from those sounds, they are quiet and speak in low tones. Because they are quiet, they work well in cities, even if you have friends close by.


  •  Silver chicken are good and like to be around other people.
  •  They like being around people and can become very tame if you handle them often.
  •  These chickens are usually calm and friendly, which makes them suitable for families and backyard groups.
  • Silver Polish chickens can be easily handled and picked up. 
  • Polish chickens, like the Silver Laced type, can be interesting. These chickens are calm and friendly. Although some Silver Polish chickens may be shy or scared.

Appearance of Silver Laced Polish Chicken

These chickens, like the Brahma, have big bodies. From the side, they almost look fat! This chicken is called a silver laced Polish chicken, because it is small, strong, and big. Its head is significant, with a rose comb on top of it. Additionally It has a red comb, wattles, and earlobes.

 Their eyes are a dark bay, and their beaks are thick, well curved, and horn colored.

Their feathers are a little tight, and in the silver laced bird, the black edges of the feathers make them look like they are lacing. The Polish chickens have yellow skin, and surprisingly their shanks should be yellow, too. Each foot should have four toes.

There will be a big difference between the male hackles and sickles. A rooster is born with hen feathering; his feathers are the same color and shape as a bird’s.

silver lace polish chicken Appearance

The Personality

The chicken is generally calm and doesn’t get upset or excited about things. Because they keep their breed, they can seem cold at times. But they only like to hang out with people like them. But In no way does this mean they are mean. Even the roosters are known for being calm and friendly.

They will, however, firmly put other birds in their place if they do anything stupid.

The amount of assertiveness puts them in the middle to upper range of the hierarchy.

The silver chicken does like being with people.


In conclusion Many people say this bird is reliable, easygoing, and able to handle the cold. This breed can bear extremes cold of winters. They don’t seem to mind being cold, and their rose combs help them avoid frostbite. These chickens usually hang out with other chickens of the same kind. On the whole they don’t care about other chickens.

They like to look for food, and walking around the yard keeps them fit and busy.

It is a calm and steady bird that doesn’t like to fly and doesn’t do it often.

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