Marans Baby Chicks: Everything you need to know

Another breed of coastal chickens is the Marans chickens whose eggs and their looks are as dark as chocolate. Anybody considering raising Marans baby chicks must ensure they understand everything involved in raising them, as well as the birds’ nature and care. Here is all you want to know about these fluffy and cute little birds.

What are Marans Baby Chicks Like?

Marans baby chicks  have an attractiveness for any farm or backyard and the joy is doubled when these babies start growing up. They usually come into the world predominantly down of black, white, blue or copper buff as the case may be depending on the breed.


Here’s are their most common features:

  • Size: Small and frail boned, but slightly larger than most other breeds at birth.
  • Color: Can be from pitch black, blue, copper or even white
  • Feathered legs: While some varieties of Marans have lightly feathered legs it is one of the ways that the bird can be distinguished.
Marans Black And White Chicks

Caring for Marans Baby Chicks

Marans chicks need vigilant care during their infancy. This is the best time to give them the necessary attention, to ensure they become adult chickens which are healthy and active.

Arrangement of a Brooder for Marans Chicks

A brooder is a condition that enlarges on the confinement, security, and warmth of a chicks. The brooder should be the place that has good ventilation with no draft while it should adequately accommodate the chicks.

Brooder Setup ChecklistDetails
TemperatureBegin with 95°F and then reduce the temperature with 5°F each week in order to arrive at a fully feathered condition.
BeddingThis can be done by placing clean, dry markings such as the pine shavings or straw on the-cat’s bed.
Feeders and WaterersMake it easy for the chicks to get access to drinking water and chick starter feed.
Black Marans Chicks

Common Health Issues in Marans Baby Chicks

Common Health IssuesSymptomsPrevention
Pasty ButtBlocked vent, lethargyRegular cleaning of the vent area
CoccidiosisDiarrhoea, weaknessClean environment, medicated feed
Respiratory IssuesSneezing, coughingProper ventilation, dust-free bedding

Growth Stages of Marans Chicks

Here are the growth stages of Marans Chicks,

1) From Hatchery to the Pullets

Rearing Marans chicks from day old chicks to sturdy growing pullets is such an interesting experience. Here’s a timeline of their development stages:

Week 1: Adorable and cute as a button Week 1: small, downy, fragile. The chicks huddle together most of the time for warming and sleeping.

Weeks2-3: The chicks become very active and move around in different parts of the nest as feathers begin to grow.

Weeks-4-6: Feathers fully develop and, thus, the chicks have greater control of their body temperature.

Weeks-7-8: They get more like adults and can also start to develop hierarchy.

3 Small Marans baby Chicks

2) Feather Development in Marans Chicks

The feathering process is one to watch, particularly for Marans. Certain breeds, including the Black Copper Marans, grow the copper colored feathers around their neck and chest after some time.

Broods of them should be transferred outdoors as soon as they are five to six weeks of age and will be quite capable of fitting into broods of Chukars at 6 to 8 weeks of age weaned and all feathered up.

Black Maran 2 baby Chicks

Housing for Growing Marans Chicks

Transitioning Marans Chicks to a Coop

When the chicks are able to cover themselves up with feathers and control their own body temperature, the best thing to do is to transfer from the brooder into the coop.

Make sure that spaces of coop will not be easily accessible to predators and there is enough space for your chicken as well as make it well-ventilated.

Coop Setup ChecklistDetails
Space Requirements2-4 square feet per chick within the coop
VentilationVentilation to reduce cases of respiratory diseases.
Roosting BarsAllow the chickens to have roosting places as they mature.
Nest BoxesTo be installed at 16-18 weeks when the chicks start laying.

Preparing the Outdoor Coop

Chicks of marans are hardy in cold weather but during the transfer of the chicks to outdoor picks they should be done during mild weather and when they are well-feathered.

This is usually experienced around six to eight weeks. Begin by familiarizing them with the coop gradually so that they can adapt to the new environment.

Adding Marans Chicks into an Existing Flock

If you already have a flock, introduce the chicks gradually to prevent fights or injuries. Birds should be allowed to observe and approach each other through a barrier for the first few days without touching.

After they become comfortable with each other’s selves, you can then withdraw the barrier and watch keenly how the two relate.

Marans Baby Chick Varieties

Breeders raise Marans chickens in various classes for their distinct feather color and pattern differences. Here are some of the most popular chicks of marans:

  • Black Copper Marans: Heralded for their dark brown shining ovoid shaped eggs and copper and black color shades of their body.
  • Blue Marans: Have this beautiful bluish tint on the wings and tails making the birds to be unique in the way they look.
  • Wheaten Marans: Small, slightly lighter than the rest, and covered in light brown and golden feathers that seem to glow in lanterns as they get older.

Other Marans chick varieties include blue cooper marans, cuckoo marans, golden cuckoo marans etc. Each variety can vary in care a little but they are all known for the beautiful eggs that they lay and the friendly temperament.

4 Month baby 3 Chicks


Marans baby chicks are a rather valuable addition to any flock. Most flock-owners consider them their stars due to their calm temperaments, pretty feathers and chocolate-brown eggs,.

No matter whether you are breeding black copper Marans for their earthy brown eggs or any other variety for their beautiful appearance, these chickens are going to be a source of happiness in your homestead.

Just ensure that you maintain a clean brooder for them. Provide fresh water and nutrient rich food so they can grow as strong chicks.

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