Golden Cuckoo Marans: Complete Breed Profile

If you look at other chicken breeds and the Golden Cuckoo Marans, it is one of the rarest and most unique ones. Let’s find out the golden secret and the allure of Golden Cuckoo Marans in this piece. This is where beauty meets wealth.


The Golden Cuckoo Marans are a rare breed of chicken. Their dark brown eggs are famous, just like those from other Marans breeds. These birds are beautiful, and friendly, which makes them an excellent choice for having chickens in your backyard, whether you have done it before or not.

History and Origin

Like the other types of Marans chicken, the Golden Cuckoo Maran is thought to have come from Marans Town in western France in the 1800s.

The Langshan and the local game birds were crossed to make these one-of-a-kind birds. Over time, they laid more eggs because people liked the dark brown ones. At the beginning of the 20th century, breeders set standards for this breed and began to focus on how the birds looked. This created the unique cuckoo variety, including the golden cuckoo.

Appearance of Golden Cuckoo Marans

The Golden chicken are beautiful chickens that look great when they’re running around in the garden. You can guess from their name that the word “cuckoo” comes from the way their feathers are patterned with dark and light bars that move back and forth.

Like lost Cuckoo Marans, golden Cuckoo Marans have barred birds of prey. Even so, their feathers are golden or copper instead of silver or grey like those of Cuckoo Marans or Silver Marans chickens.

These one-of-a-kind birds have golden feathers with black cuckoo stripes all over their bodies. Their earlobes and wattles are red, and their comb is about the size of a pencil. 

Rooster of Golden Cuckoo Marans Chickens


  • Single red comb
  • Red earlobes and wattles
  • Bright eyes
  • Golden feathers with dark cuckoo stripping
  • Beautiful feather pattern 


When they are fully grown, Golden Cuckoo Marans can weigh up to 8 pounds. They are a giant breed of chicken. They are just the right size for any outdoor flock because they are neither too big nor too small. The hen can get as heavy as 6.5lb, and the Rooster weighs about 8.5lb.

The Personality of Golden Cuckoo Marans


The chicken are not only pretty but also very calm and friendly. People love them because they are friendly and polite, which makes them perfect for backyard groups. They are calm all the time, whether they are sleeping in the coop or looking for food in the yard.


The cuckoo marans are the best chicken breed for people who live in cold places and are afraid of chickens because they can handle rough conditions and survive in very cold areas.

Noise Level

As we already said, Cuckoo Marans are very quiet and friendly, so they don’t make a lot of noise that will bother you and your neighbors. You can keep them in cities, where noise limits are usually in place.

Hen Golden Cuckoo Marans Chicken

Characteristics Of Golden Cuckoo Marans

BreedMarans Chicken
ColorCuckoo (with alternating Golden and black bars)
Beginner FriendlyYes
Lifespan7+ Years
Noise LevelModerate level
WeightHen (6 – 6.5lb) and Rooster (8 – 8.5lb).
Eggs ColorChocolate or Dark Brown
Egg Production4 per week (200 per year)
Rare BreedYes
Meat ProductionGood

Golden Cuckoo Marans Eggs Color & Production

The color of their eggs and how many they lay are shown below.

Eggs Color

One of the best things about Golden Cuckoo Marans is that they lay very good eggs. This breed of chicken can lay eggs that are medium to big. The eggs are chocolate or dark brown. They lay dark brown eggs, which is the main reason most people keep them in their backyards. Also, their chocolate-colored eggs taste great.

Eggs Production

Four to five eggs can be laid by a Golden Cuckoo Maran hen every week. The chicken can lay about 200 eggs a year, which is a great number. A golden cuckoo marans hen also starts laying eggs when it is about 5 to 6 months old.

eggs of Golden Cuckoo Marans Chicken

Golden Cuckoo Marans Rooster Vs Hen

The Golden Cuckoo Most chicken types have roosters that are bigger than hens. The Maran is no different. The roosters also crow a lot. The hens, on the other hand, are smaller and calmer. These are some of the things that make the Rooster and the Hens different from each other, though:

Golden Cuckoo Maran Rooster

Very few people see the Golden Cuckoo Maran Rooster. It is big, pretty, and rare. Its feathers are a striking mix of dark black and golden, and they have a unique cuckoo design.



A rooster weighs about 7 pounds.


 Golden cuckoo design on the feathers, which are sometimes black and white.


Docile and gentle. 

Golden Cuckoo Maran Hen

This breed’s hens may be a little smaller, but they lay a lot of beautiful dark brown eggs, which is something that every chicken owner loves. 



Around 6 pounds.


This bird has a golden cuckoo design and dark black, white, and gold feathers.


 Docile and gentle.


 Lay dark brown eggs.


Dark brown eggs: 

People know these chickens for their chocolate or dark brown eggs. Their eggs are about the size of a golf ball and are rich and tasty.

Calm and docile temperament:

The birds in this group are very calm and gentle. They’re also easy to take care of, which makes them great pets for first-time pet owners and couples with kids.


This is why they are called the “cold-hardy breed” of chicken: they can live in challenging conditions and very cold weather.

Dual-purpose breed: 

As the name suggests, Marans are a common breed that can be used for both meat and eggs. 


Rare and Expensive: 

As a result of being hard to find, these chickens are very pricey compared to other types. 

Delicate eggs: 

Their eggs are very fragile, and there is always a chance that they will break or crack while being moved or even just taken care of. 

Less prolific egg layers: 

They lay pretty eggs, but not as many as some other chicken types. Golden cuckoo marans lay around 200 eggs every year. 

Conclusion of Golden Cuckoo Marans

There are many great things about the Golden Cuckoo Maran chicken breed. Almost every chicken lover wants one. They are nice and calm, and it’s easy to take care of them. Their eggs are a beautiful dark brown.

So, what else do you want if you like chicken? It will make you very happy to have these really cool chickens in your yard.

Now, you should know everything you need to know about Golden Cuckoo Maran chickens. Please leave a comment below if you know anything about these chickens or if you still have questions. 

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