Black Leghorn Chickens: Complete Breed Information

A lot of people around the world like black Leghorn chickens. They are popular for laying white eggs. They are a tough chicken breed that finds food very well.

Their lack of friendliness and dislike of being touched make them bad pets for families. On the other hand, if you want a hen that will lay more eggs, a Black Leghorn might be just what you need.

Chicken Breed Profile

Originating in Livorno, Italy, a little town in rural Tuscany, came the black leghorn chickens. Though the exact breeds from which developers bred them are unknown, many believe they are a mix of landrace chicken breeds.

Landrace chickens are breeds that have evolved organically in the wild as opposed to through deliberate human breeding. They were first brought to the United States of America from central Italy in the 1820s. In the 1870s, someone transported them to England from there

To give the Leghorns a larger build and create a more versatile breed, the English bred them with Minorca’s. In 1910, they returned this larger, new Leghorn to the United States.

At first, people referred to them as “Italian” chickens. Later on, they formed the name Leghorn, deriving it from the word “Livorno.” Some thought the smaller, original Leghorn was a more natural variety, so they preferred it.

Some, however, appreciated the larger, more recent Leghorn for its capacity to produce commercial eggs. In 1874, leghorn chickens were first recognized by the American Poultry Association.

Today’s battery hens come from the Leghorn chicken breed. The Looney Tunes character Foghorn Leghorn has brought them fame. 

Black Leghorn chickens

Appearance of Black Leghorn Chickens

The black leghorn chicken has a long, narrow body that makes it look beautiful. The inside of their ears is white, which is normal for birds that lay big white eggs. Their skin, beaks, and legs are also bright yellow. Each foot has four bright yellow toes. Additionally, their eyes are orange-red. 

appearance of black leghorn chicken

Breed Size of Black Leghorn Chickens

This type of chicken is small, but it will grow quickly. In just a few months, it will be full-sized. Normal types and bantam types are both out there.

  •  Rooster weighs 3.5 kg and
  •  Black Leghorn hen weighs about 2.5 kg.

Feather Colors of Leghorn Chickens

Leghorns that are white are by far the most popular feather color. You think of “White Leghorn” when you hear the word “Leghorn.” A lot of chicken fans are shocked to learn that they come in different colors.

In Australia, these leghorn types are available:

  1. White Leghorns
  2. Light brown leghorns
  3. Dark brown leghorns
  4. Black Leghorns
  5. Silver Leghorns
  6. Red Leghorns
  7. Blue Leghorns

The first types of leghorns were light brown, dark brown, black, and white. However, after about 15 years, the other breeds were made.

Laying Age

When compared to some other chickens, they start laying eggs when they are about four months old. They’ll keep laying a lot of eggs for about four years.

After this, they will slowly stop laying eggs until they reach their “retirement” years and stop.

Egg color and size of black leghorn chickens

Hens called leghorns lay white eggs. They range in size from medium to big. Most of the time, Leghorn hen eggs are medium-sized at first but get bigger as the hen gets older.

Black Leghorn eggs

Black Leghorn Chickens as Pets

Black leghorns can be kept as yard pets, but they’re not the best choice for families. Every Leghorn will be different, and each one will have its own personality. There are some things they do share, though.

Seeing what the parents of a leghorn were like is the best way to guess what the dog will be like. Ask your owner if you didn’t raise the parents yourself.

Temperament of Black Leghorn Chicken

It’s easy for the Black Leghorn chickens to do things on their own. You shouldn’t get this type of chicken if you want a pet that the whole family can play with. You can tame a leghorn chicken if you touch it a lot when it is very young. It won’t make them cute or want to follow you around, though.


The Black Leghorn Chicken type of chicken grows up quickly and doesn’t live very long. Most of the time, they live until they are about 6 years old. 

A lot of kinds of chicken that lay a lot of eggs do this. The Black Leghorn chicken can also get lice and bugs like any other pet bird.

You will need to keep an eye on them between their feathers. Talk to a vet in your area about how to keep lice and mites away from your birds. 

Chicken Coop

Since leghorn chickens like to move around a lot, letting them roam around a big area during the day will make them very happy.

Your chickens will need a safe coop with a roof. This is a safe place for them to sleep at night, out of harm’s way. During the day, they can run back there if they feel attacked.

When you buy Somersby’s Cabana and Run Chicken Coop Package, Chick Coop in a Cabana

The Cabana is a good chicken coop that has a roof to protect your leghorn chickens. 

This will protect them and give them a place to fly and stretch their wings. Leghorns can fly pretty well and may rest in trees or jump over fences to get away.

To keep them in, you will either need to cut off their wings or build high walls. It is not a good idea to have a Leghorn chicken in a city because they can be very loud.

People who live next door might complain if you keep them, so make sure you have plenty of room and put the coop away from the fence.

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