Everything About Polish Chicks

Polish chicks, which people select for breeding birds, are attractive and docile birds. This article contains all the information you would require about raising healthy polish chicks, their traits and breeding techniques. This encompassing article will come in handy to all poultry farmers old or new to know everything about Polish chicks.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Polish Chicks

Polish chicks are unique birds characterized by the fact that they have occipital tufts – which greatly resemble natural wigs. Such birds are quite associated and are admired and loved due to their accumulation and friendly mode of conduct. There is no clear evidence on the ethnic route of the Polish chickens, though they were probably developed in the Netherlands and later distributed throughout Europe.

Polish chicks are very entertaining to rear here in the farm. They provide not only beauty but also fresh eggs every morning. They have attractive plumage and docility thus enhancing the attraction of the flock.

Two baby Polish Chicks

Why Raise Polish Chicks?

Raising Polish chicks is a rewarding experience for several reasons:

  • Unique Appearance: Due to big heads and different colours, Polish chicks can be easily distinguished in any company.
  • Friendly Nature: These chickens are calm and can be friendly and cuddle sometimes making them good partners.
  • Egg Production: Although they aren’t the most productive birds, Polish chickens give fairly a good number of white eggs.
  • Ornamental Value: They are commonly a favourite for the poultry shows and as ornamental birds.
Two brown baby chicks

Understanding Polish Chickens: Characteristics and Traits

This means that the traits which characterised the victims included passivity, helplessness, inhibition of aggression and dependence, willingness, and proneness to display affection.

The Polish chickens are distinctive in the following ways despite belonging to the chicken breed group. This is why it is useful to comprehend these wing traits if a person wants to provide the best service.

Key Characteristics of Polish Chickens

  • Crest: The main characteristic of Polish chickens is the large and pompous bump of feathers on their head. This crest can also hinder their view and exposes them to their natural predator’s presence more often.
  • Size: Polish chickens are medium size birds a standard size Polish chicken is around 4. 5 to 6 pounds which is equal to 2 to 2.7 kilograms.
  • Egg Production: Polish hens can produce about 120-150 small to medium size white eggs annually. Though they may not lay as many eggs as other breeds, the quality of the eggs is quite good.
  • Temperament: Polish chickens are relatively docile birds that do not disturb people, although they can become nervous due to poor eyesight.
  • Variety: Polish chickens also exist in a number of colours such as: white, black, silver and golden which are good for ornamental use.
black polish baby chicks

Comparison of Polish Chicken Varieties

VarietyCrest SizeFeather ColorEgg ColorTemperament
White Crested BlackLargeBlack with white crestWhiteCalm and friendly
GoldenMediumBuff with white lacingWhiteGentle and active
Buff LacedMediumBuff with white lacingWhiteDocile and curious
Silver LacedMediumSilver with black lacingWhiteCalm and social
White polish chicks

Essential Care for Polish Chicks

They are a breed of Polish chicks that demand some specific things, especially with regard to their special developments.

Feeding Polish Chicks

It has clearly indicated that nutrition for chicks is very important if they have to grow healthy and become Polish chicks. 

  • Starter Feed: Polish chicks should be fed on a high quality chick starter feed used in the first six to eight weeks, and it should contain protein of 18-20%.
  • Water: Make sure that clean and fresh water is always present. Watering dishes should not be deep so that the chicks do not drown especially for the first few days.
  • Grit: If you introduce treats or other foods include grit to help in digestion.
feeding of polish chicks pic

Breeding Polish Chickens: A Step-by-Step Guide

A survey plan is a step by step approach to conducting a particular survey.

Rearing of Polish chickens can be a rewarding experience especially when what one intends to do is to keep the Polish chickens’ strains. So, here are the steps on how to start.

Selecting the Right Breeding Stock

Choosing the right birds for breeding is crucial for maintaining the quality of your flock: On this point, it really matters what birds one selects for breeding in a bid to improve on the quality of the flock.

  • Health: Choose birds that should be strong and supplied with vigour coupled with sound leg and body structure without deformity or signs of diseases.
  • Temperament: Select birds that possess good temperaments, that is, those birds that are gentle and pleasant to be with as these qualities will be inherited by the offspring.
  • Crest Quality: When selecting birds for breeding you should aim at breeding birds with well-developed crests that conform to standard size or shape.

Incubation and Hatching

Polish chicken eggs should be incubated adequately, and this factor entails the concepts of temperature, humidity, and egg turning.

Incubation ParameterRecommended Range
Temperature99.5°F (37.5°C)
Humidity40-50% (Incubation), 65-70% (Hatching)
Incubation Period21 days
  • Turning Eggs: Bury the eggs several times a day within the first 18 days to avoid the embryo from adhering to the shell.
  • Hatching: Do not bother flipping the eggs on the 18th day and add some humidity.

Tips for Successful Breeding

  • Record Keeping: Record breeding pair, hatch dates and chick health to effectively determine the progress of your breeding program.
  • Separate Breeding Pens: Some people use different pens for the breeding pairs in order to avoid crossbreeding of the various breeds.

Common Health Issues in Polish Chicks

Some diseases that affect chickens are most likely to be present in Polish Chicks are;

As with any poultry, Polish chickens are no exception and can suffer one or the other health complications. It is important to understand ways to avoid and perform an intervention in order to minimize and manage these issues with the flock.

feeding of polish chicks

Common Health Problems

  • Crest-Related Issues: The large crest means that the bird will from time to time have issues such as eye infections or even issues with feeding itself. Dip and darken on their crests should be checked and cleaned often to prevent these complications.
  • Mites and Lice: They might live in the plumage of Polish chickens because that is where lots of them can be found. Since dust baths involve dusting the bird’s body and preening with wings, feet, and beak and since coops which harbour birds contain droppings and spilled foods these two activities can efficiently curb infestations.
  • Respiratory Issues: The research indicated that Polish chickens were known to suffer from some respiratory diseases more especially when the environment is moist or dusty. Let their living space be well aired and tidy all the time.

Preventative Measures

  • Regular Health Checks: Check on your Polish chickens often for any sign of sickness which includes; sleepy chicken, a chicken that is not eating or some change in bowel movement.
  • Clean Environment: Many diseases are associated with a bad environment hence it is important to keep your living area clean and dry.
  • Balanced Diet: Ensure that they are taken through the recommended diet which contains all the nutrient needs of the body.


As for me, it is nice to meet new chicks and polish chicks can become a perk to any farm and a source of joy and beauty. They have distinguishable crests, and they are friendly birds with several attractive feathers, which makes them preferred poultry birds by many people.

This way you can meet their needs and give them the care they need thus enhancing their wellbeing to enable the Polish chicks continue giving you joy in your farm or backyard. Hence, if managed properly, your Polish chicks will form good standards in your flock and give you immense satisfaction.

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